Say Goodbye to Your Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids and Triglycerides!

By sulthan on Sunday, July 30, 2017

One of our readers sent us his real life story, and this is how it goes:“Everything happened a few months ago. I was shocked by the blood test results that my professor showed me. I was really worried when I saw the numbers of all blood parameters: urea, cholesterol, blood glucose, lipids and triglycerides.

This was very bad because all of the values had exceeded the normal levels. Everything went through my mind, and this person was in real danger. The first question that came to my mind when I saw the results was: how is this person still alive? – It is probably because of pure stubbornness.

I should have told that my professor had the name hidden with his hand.However, when he revealed the name of the person I was shocked again. The patient who had all of these problems was my professor. I was confused.”

“Just take a look at this and compare the numbers of the parameters and check the dates on both sheets – said my professor with a smile on his face. I did everything he told me.

The blood was perfect, and the parameter values on the second blood test result were within the recommended rage. However, the dates were the thing that shocked me even more.

That was really amazing. He succeeded to receive incredible results in just one month. How was he able to do that?”

“My doctor is the person who is ‘responsible’ for this miracle- said my professor. It is a little bit complicated since his doctor had a fried who recommended the treatment. His friend said that he had success and received positive results with this treatment almost every time he tried it.

And as any normal person who takes care of his health, I tried this incredible treatment. Even though my blood levels have a tendency to breakdown, they return to their normal levels after the treatment. You should definitely try it if you have these kinds of problems. I highly recommend it!”

You may ask, what’s the secret?

You should buy raw pumpkin at the supermarket or the bazaar every week for 4 weeks. The first thing you need to do is to peel 100-120 grams of pumpkin.

Then, you need to place the raw pieces in a blender and add some water. You should blend until you receive a nice homogenous mixture.

You should consume this smoothie every day, 15-20 minutes before having breakfast. Do this treatment every time you think you need to lower your cholesterol. I recommend you to repeat the treatment each month.”

“You can make analysis before and after the pumpkin treatment, which means that you are able to control the outcome. Because it is just a natural vegetable and water there is no contraindication. You should not add sugar to this smoothie.

Since my professor is an excellent chemical engineer, he did everything he can to study the pumpkin and discover its secret powers. He wanted to find out which of the active ingredients it contains are contributing to our health.

He was able to discover that the pumpkin compounds eliminated all LDL cholesterol from the arteries, through the urine. By trying this treatment we are going to feel refreshed and full with energy since this miraculous remedy cleanses our arteries.”

You can share this article with your friends in order to help them. We hope that we made a difference to your health by introducing this incredible treatment. Thank you!