How Youth Drive Change - UNESCO Youth Forum 2011

By sulthan on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

          Today’s youth are raising their voices to shape the present and futures of their countries. They want to be heard, to be included in decision-making debates and to make change. Student engagement, social innovation, fostering democracy, youth employment, conflict and sustainable development are among the issues that will be discussed on the floor of the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum. 

Held from 17 to 20 October 2011 in UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, the Forum brings together youth delegates, civil society participants, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, academics and the private sector. Participants will discuss, debate, and exchange ideas on the Forum’s timely themes and have the opportunity to present their recommendations to the representatives of Member States during the 36th UNESCO General Conference. 

During the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum, youth delegates and key partners will examine achievements and lessons learnt during the International Year of Youth and will discuss ways to maintain and capitalize on the momentum created by the Year.
The main theme of the Forum is How youth drive change pdf. []
The sub-themes are:
  • Citizens in action: youth in political and public life
  • Countering youth exclusion, vulnerability and violence
  • Breaking through employment barriers
The output of the Youth Forum is a Final Report drafted by youth participants containing key recommendations on the themes that will be presented to representatives of National governments at the 36th UNESCO General Conference


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