Is Organic Always Better than Conventional?

By sulthan on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

     These days, it seems more difficult to know what to shop for at the grocery store.

  • Is organic always better than conventional? 
  • What if it's an "organic" product that's been flown half-way around the world, burning up fossil fuels that contribute to global warming? How do you decide what's better: A conventional apple grown locally with chemical pesticides, or an organic apple from another continent?

How do you decide which grocery products are best for not just your own personal health, but also the health of the planet? 

Now here's the real kicker in all this: When you eat an apple, you absorb and assimilate the story that went into creating that apple! 
  • So eating an organic, locally-grown, consciously-harvested apple gives you not only nourishment and biochemical nutrition, it also gives you the positive energy of abundance, humility, harmony and happiness. 
  • A conventionally-grown apple, on the other hand, is more likely to give you the story of greed, desperation, depletion, fear and disease. Hmm.....
  • ! "I strongly recommend you grow it yourself or work with local farmers who you know are passionate about cooperating with nature to maximize abundance for themselves and those around them."

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