Is Your Blood Sugar High? Magnesium Can Help

By sulthan on Monday, July 10, 2017

Magnesium represents the fourth most abundant mineral contained in your body. It has great importance in many biological processes as shown by the research that GreenMedInfo has done. There are as many as 3,751 magnesium-related sites on human proteins.

For instance, magnesium is a great purifier against many kinds of toxins and heavy metals. It minimizes their damage and helps the general detoxification process. Also, the production of the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione, depends on magnesium.

It helps reduce heart attacks, strokes, headaches, sudden cardiac deaths and even death in general from many different causes.

Over 300 different enzymes require this mineral. They are crucial for the biochemical processes, such as:

  • Promotes the proper function of your bowel
  • Relaxes the blood vessels
  • Creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate), your body’s energy molecules
  • Helps the proper growth of bones and teeth
  • Assists the work of your heart
  • Regulates your blood sugar levels

Most of these are vital for metabolic function.

Those Who Show Elevated Insulin Also Show Low Magnesium Levels
When it comes to regulating glucose, insulin sensitivity, and protecting you from type 2 diabetes, magnesium does not fall short. It keeps your metabolism running the way it should.

Here are some other interesting facts:

  • A study conducted by ADA from October 2013 discovered that a higher intake of magnesium lowers the risk of decreased insulin and glucose.
  • It even slows progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes. “Magnesium intake may be particularly beneficial in offsetting your risk of developing diabetes if you are high risk.” – according to researchers.
  • According to a study done in 2013, it turns out that most pre-diabetics had inadequate magnesium intake. Those with the highest magnesium intake lowered their risk for blood sugar and metabolic problems by a whopping 71 percent.
  • The Hisayama Study, a Japanese study published in December 2013 in Diabetic Medicine, had reported findings that intake of magnesium represents a significant protective factor against type 2 diabetes.
  • This goes especially among those who are insulin resistant, had minimal inflammatory problems and a habit of drinking.
  • Lastly, according to the Framingham Offspring cohort in 2006, the more magnesium one takes, the more improved the insulin sensitivity becomes, and, consequently, the less risk of type 2 diabetes.

Why Is Proper Metabolic Function So Dependent On Magnesium?
Magnesium homeostasis seems to require two specific genes when it comes to controlling insulin and glucose homeostasis. You also need magnesium for activating an “on-off” enzyme for many cellular functions, including the function of one’s insulin receptors, called tyrosine kinase.

It has been a well-known fact that people who have insulin resistance also excrete more magnesium in their urine. This only means one thing: diminished levels of magnesium.

It’s like an ironic and very dangerous cycle: the less magnesium you have, the more you are in danger of losing. This is putting it in simple terms, but it’s the truth of the matter. Elevated glucose and insulin levels are also nothing to be happy about.

Rarely does our world agree on one matter, well, in this case, it is unanimous: if one wants to lower their risk of type 2 diabetes and optimize their metabolism, they better make sure their magnesium intake is adequate. And sadly, that’s just it: over 80% of Americans appear to be deficient in magnesium.

Think You Belong to Those 80%?

Well, it depends mainly on you and your dietary choices. Most Americans do not get the daily intake of magnesium they need from their meals. But there are other factors at play here, such as:

Alcoholism – around 60% of all alcoholics have a magnesium deficiency in their blood levels
Age – the older you get, the less magnesium you are capable of absorbing (and the old-age medications one has to take don’t help either)
Unhealthy kidneys – which can only increase your chances of lost magnesium through urine
An unhealthy digestive system – it hinders your body in absorbing magnesium
Certain medications – like those which treat cancer, antibiotics, and diuretics
Diabetes – if poorly controlled, it can lead to losing more magnesium through urinating

Coronary Spasms, Heart Arrhythmias, and Seizures Can Be Results of Magnesium Deficiency
Surprisingly, only 1% of magnesium takes place in the blood. About 60% resides in your bones, and the rest is located in your soft tissue.

Hence, there is no accurate test you can do in labs which will give you a true picture of the magnesium in your tissues. The reason there aren’t any accurate tests is that most of the magnesium is inside your bones and cells, instead of the blood plasma.

But there still may be some ways to get a decently accurate reading of your magnesium levels, such as an RBC magnesium test. There’s also a test your doctor can perform on you; it includes a sublingual epithelial test or a 24-hour urine test. But it’s not an ideal evaluation, and doctors will usually need to evaluate the symptoms you exhibit along with them.

What are the symptoms you might ask? Early symptoms can include nausea, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, and feeling weak in general.

But there are also symptoms which arise after going long without sufficient magnesium to back you up, including seizures, contractions, muscle cramps, tingling and feeling numb, changes in personality, coronary spasms, and abnormal heart rhythms.

Dr. Carolyn Dean has published a book called The Magnesium Miracle, in which she states the 100 factors which will help you find out if you are deficient or not. She also has a blog called “Gauging Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms,” where you can follow her instructions along with a checklist for following every few weeks.

Instead Of Magnesium Supplements, Why Not Try REAL Food?

If you learn how to depend on a varied, healthy daily diet, you will not need to resort to taking medication. Eating a healthy, varied diet means consuming lots of leafy greens as well, especially the dark-green variety.

But here’s the thing: in order for the vegetables you eat to be truly high in magnesium and other nutrients, they need to be grown in nutrient-rich soil. That, unfortunately, is not the case with most bought organic foods.

These days, the earth in which they are grown is unnaturally depleted of magnesium as well as other nutrients. So, according to some magnesium experts like Dr. Dean, it turns out everyone needs to take magnesium supplement despite their healthy lifestyle. Sound depressing, we know.

Organic foods may have higher magnesium content, but it is very hard to tell whether they are grown in nutrient-rich soils or not.

It’s not all hopeless. There is a way to get your magnesium through juicing your greens. On a daily basis, one pint to one quart of freshly squeezed vegetable juice is enough for your primary sources of magnesium.

Some other natural things to consume for higher magnesium levels are almond butter, sweet, dried whey, dried basil, unsweetened, dry cocoa powder, dried pumpkin seeds, dried coriander leaf, dried agar (a type of seaweed) and flaxseed.