LIFETIME: What would it mean for us to be Immortal?

By sulthan on Tuesday, February 1, 2011

         In this four-programme series, string theory pioneer Michio Kaku goes on an extraordinary exploration of the world in search of time.He discovers our sense of time passing and the clocks that drive our bodies. He reveals the forces of time that make and destroy us in a lifetime. He journeys to some of the Earth's most spectacular geological sites to look for clues to the extraordinary depths of time at a planetary level. Finally, he takes us on a cosmic journey in search of the beginning (and the end) of time itself.

Daytime: Michio Kaku 1. DAYTIME
Monday 30 July 2007 11pm-midnight
Time seems to drive every moment. It's the most inescapable force we feel. But do we experience time from within our minds and bodies or from the outside?

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Lifetime: pocketwatch 2. LIFETIME
Monday 6 August 2007 11pm-midnight
The most powerful effect of time on our lives is the way it limits us. Our knowledge of death is so embedded in our lives and spirituality that, were immortality possible, would we lose the sense that makes us human?
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Earthtime: The Crazy Horse sculpture 3. EARTH TIME
Monday 13 August 2007 11pm-midnight TBC
We hold a unique knowledge of time, realising that it stretches deep into the past, and will continue into the future. How does this affect our sense of who we are?

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Cosmic Time: particles 4. COSMIC TIME
Monday 20 August 2007 11pm-midnight TBC
We've always structured our lives based on an unchanging past and a predictable and ordered future. But atomic and cosmic discoveries have changed all that. What is time itself? And will it ever end?

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